Carei - The Orthodox Church of “Archangels St. Michael and Gabriel”

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The building of the church was started in 1752 by the local community. The structure was made of brick, and it was covered with shingles. The earthquake of 1834 had caused great damage to the church, causing it to be reconstructed. The building has a single nave with a semicircular apse and two side apses. Each of the two side-apses has on top a small tower. The altar screen is sculpted from lime-wood, with Byzantine decoration enriched with several baroque elements, and golden carvings. The main icons are respecting the Byzantine canons. The tower has three levels, the highest being fit with a clock. The steeple is made of iron plates, having a lantern and a bulb, a characteristic of the baroque style. (DB).

Parohia Ortodoxă Română Carei, Istoricul parohiei (manuscris).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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